Four reasons why you should document your pregnancy with maternity photography
Why should you document your pregnancy with maternity photos? "It's been a long, arduous journey" is something I hear time and time again as to why mamas are booking their newborn photo sessions. You want to document your first moments with your new baby because getting to that point has been a struggle. What about documenting your journey. Your vulnerable and epic journey of creating life.
Real talk. Pregnancy wasn't really my thing. I didn't feel glowing and beautiful. And how about those symptoms?! All this being said:
1. Document your pregnancy with a maternity session to remember what it was like being pregnant

As much as you believe these moments during your pregnancy are unforgettable - life is busy and the moments are fleeting. Unless you take the time to book a photo session, they will be distant memories soon. You are literally making a human from scratch. How neat is that?! It's one of life's many miracles and you're doing it. Every time you look at your baby you will see their sweet fingers and toes and know that you made them.
I have two kids (2.5 and 4 years old now) and I still have phantom kicks. Where it feels like there's a baby in my tummy kicking. I 100% know there's no way that's possible because my husband got snipped after our second was born! And though I didn't love being pregnant - this is one thing I did love. The vulnerable parts of being pregnant is not knowing if your baby is ok. It felt like my kids were saying "hey mama, I'm doing good." Have you felt that way? Like 'omg I haven't felt my baby move in a while' then you sit there and stare at your tummy waiting for the kick. Then it comes and you breathe. A big deep breath.
2. Maternity photographs are a snap shot of what being pregnant is really like

Getting maternity photos done is a perfect way to capture a snap shot of what being pregnant is like. Candid moments of you talking to your belly, snuggling with your partner or having your older child listening for baby happen in an instant. Take this moment to celebrate that you're doing something that is legitimately miraculous. Then, when you're done thinking of that take a moment to inhale. Then exhale. YOU are creating life. Let's document it during a photo shoot together.
Before your newborn makes their way into the world, take some time to capture and honour the connection you already share. This time is special. Partners, kiddos, and pets can be in these photos, too. That way their stories are shared along with yours and it can make the whole experience unforgettable a great way to tell your family's story.
If we've had a similar pregnancy experience, where pregnancy hasn't left you feeling your most confident self, I want you to know that you're not alone. A lot of my clients have said that maternity photos aren't on their to-do list because they want it to be about the baby instead. Here's the thing: YOU. WILL. NOT. REGRET. IT. Not once has someone said "oh, wow. I really wish I didn't get those photos done. Now I have a way to remember these moments forever. What a bummer." Here's what my clients say after their sessions:
"Meliza left me feeling absolutely beautiful and confident"
3. Maternity photos will allow you to show your kids what you looked like with them in your tummy

Maternity photos are worthwhile memories to create and then look back on with your kids as they get older. Have you ever asked your mom to see if she had any photos of herself with you in her tummy? I have. She was in her living room on the couch (the brown, flower velour couch from the 70s - you know the one, right?) that I grew up jumping on.
Nowadays, we show our daughter her newborn album as her bedtime story. It has my maternity portraits and her newborn portraits combined and she LOVES seeing my tummy with her in it.
4. Maternity photography is the perfect opportunity to document the beginnings of your family

Don't miss the opportunity to document your pregnancy with a photo shoot. The story about your journey to motherhood. The story about your struggles and your triumphs. Want to know what a maternity experience is like?
I come to your home a couple of hours before your session with treats in hand.
You get to relax and get pampered while I get you ready with a professional makeup application. I studied at Blanche MacDonald and worked at M.A.C for many years. You're in good hands.
We'll chat and get to know each other even more than we have during the prep for your session. We'll share stories, maybe we'll cry together but we will definitely laugh together.
You'll feel your most confident self and I'll photograph you in the place you're most comfortable - home.
Scheduling a maternity photo session should be on every mommy-to-be's to do list. Don't let the moment pass you by. You are important and you should be celebrated, mama.
A note about family, maternity and newborn sessions; they book several months in advance. For newborn sessions, please be sure to contact me while you are still pregnant. Maternity sessions generally take place between 31-34 weeks. Newborn portrait sessions are generally when baby is between 1 week and 2 months old. I offer a limited number of sessions each month to be able to accommodate the unpredictable nature of child birth ;)
Be sure to contact me as soon as possible to reserve a date for your lifestyle maternity photos.