Parent-to-Parent Advice for Preparing Kids for a Portrait Marathon
Hey there! Getting your little ones ready for a portrait marathon can be quite the adventure, right? Put your mind at ease. I have two kids, they are 4.5 and 6 years old.
I assure you what you want from your children on photo day is exactly what I want for them, too.
Here's a quick guide to help you prepare your children for photo day:
Ensure they are well-rested: Make sure your kids get a good night's sleep before the portrait marathon to look fresh and energetic.
Choose comfortable clothing: Select outfits that your kids feel cozy in and that show off their unique style. Steer clear of clothes with busy patterns or logos that might steal the spotlight from their adorable faces. Unless that's their (or, your!) style.
Please DO NOT put them in clothes they hate to wear. Turtle necks and wool sweaters are a couple of examples I've seen kids (quite literally) tear off.
Practice smiling: Encourage your little ones to practice their brightest smiles in front of a mirror. It can boost their confidence and make them feel like pros during the portrait session.
Stay hydrated and have snacks: Keep your munchkins hydrated and offer them healthy snacks to keep their interest during their session. A happy tummy equals happy smiles!

They're going to smile like they mean it (most of the time). How to prepare your kids for their photoshoot:
Your kid’s picture day is finally here! Getting your little one ready for picture day can be an exciting task, especially if it’s their first time being photographed. I'm here to help you and your child get those frame-worthy photos to treasure and to prepare your kids for their photoshoot. Check out these tips for ways to make sure your little one is ready to smile for the camera!
#1: Keep your kids in the loop
If your kids are anything like mine - they do not like surprises. At least not when it comes to anything other than candy or toys! Make sure you let them know ahead of time that picture day is coming and there will be a lady taking their picture with a big camera.
If you find me on social media it can help to share it with your kids. They love knowing what to expect. It's actually why they love watching the same shows over and over - because it boosts their confidence knowing that they predicted something correctly! You can find me on Instagram most often here, show them my face and they'll be delighted to recognize me when it's their turn for photos.
#2: Pack mess-free snacks
Do you usually pack yogurt for your kids? Try and avoid things that drip or mark up outfits on picture day. Things to avoid: ketchup, nut butters, jelly, yogurt and cheese puffs - cheese puffs make a heck of a mess! If none of these things are avoidable, pack them a bib or an extra shirt.
On the topic of bibs: is your little one teething and constantly drooling all over every nice shirt they have? Put them in a bib and leave it on until photos start. That way their outfit won't be covered in drool - though it would certainly tell the story about this time in their life, wouldn't it?
#3: What to wear for picture day
Try and compliment the backdrop. For example, I use a light, beige backdrop. Tan, mustard, brown, green and blue look fantastic. Soft, tasteful patterns also look great! See the pictures below.
General rules of thumb when planning what to wear for picture day:
Solid colours or tasteful patterns
No neon
No graphic T's
Layer (wear a vest or a cardigan)
Packing your child a backup outfit is a great idea, too. Need a new outfit for your kiddo? I usually recommend that families look at Lagoon Baby, Jax and Lennon, Zara or Old Navy for trendy outfits and inspiration.
Do you have any tips on how to prepare for picture day? I'd love to know your fave tips! Share in the comments.
If you're seeing these portraits and are wondering how your kid's daycare or preschool can start offering these gorgeous portraits - get in touch.
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